13 abril, 2013

A lógica do engajamento, por Henry Jenkins

Há cerca de um ano a Sorbonne Nouvelle - Université Paris 3 promoveu uma palestra com o professor Henry Jenkins, no Centre Pompidou. @AuroreGallarino fez um post para o blog do Orange Transmedia Lab com o resumo das principais ideias apresentadas.

Leia abaixo um dos trechos (em inglês). Para o conteúdo completo clique aqui.


The logics of engagement

In Jenkins’ view, 5 logics are contributing to the emergence of transmedia and the phenomenon of increased fan participation (“fandom”):

1- The logic of entertainment, as evidenced by the presence in the US TV schedules of TV series and reality shows;
2- The logic of social connection, highlighted by votes and discussions on social networking sites;
3- The logic of experts, symbolised by the collective intelligence (Levy, 1994true) brought to bear by fans for the purposes of creation, production and discussion. Henry Jenkins cites the examples of the creation of Twin Peaks fan sites and the Lost Wiki, which both collate articles written by fans to offer greater insight into both series;
4- The logic of immersion, which encourages participation. For example, on Oscars night fans could use a number of interactive tools to immerse themselves in the ceremony and form a community;
5- The logic of identification, which enables fans to establish an identity depending on what they watch.

The fan: a central figure

Jenkins opened his presentation by underlining important role of fans. In his opinion, as a result of convergence culture the cultural industries now perceive fans differently and are trying to come to terms with this new variable. He explained, for instance, that a number of television series, including Fringe recently, have been kept on air thanks to fans’ demonstrations of support on social networks.

Interessado em marketing de experiência, segunda tela, engajamento de fãs e na aplicação da narrativa transmídia e do storytelling na comunicação de sua empresa? Então dá uma conferida no curso STORYTELLING E TRANSMÍDIA PARA MARCAS da ESPM-Sul. Matrículas abertas.

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